Our Story

Welcome to Totally Vaultworthy! We’re a family-driven website born out of a simple yet profound idea: making informed decisions matters. As a single dad raising three energetic kids, I’ve learned that while quick fixes might do the trick in a pinch, true solutions are what we’re all after.

A wise former co-worker of mine used to say, “Buy it nice or buy it twice.” This nugget of wisdom doesn’t just emphasize quality, but also the value of purchases that stand the test of time. But let’s be clear – buying “nice” doesn’t always equate to breaking the bank. That’s why we’re here to share our experiences with you – the good, the bad, and yes, even the ugly.

At Totally Vaultworthy, you’ll find honest reviews on a variety of items. But it’s not just about the things you buy – it’s about the knowledge you gain. We’re also excited to share insights and information we’ve gathered along the way that could help you in your decision-making journey.

Information is power, and we’re strong believers in asking questions and reading reviews to make the best choices. Transparency is key, which is why we’ll always mark whether we’ve personally tried a product or not, so you can understand the perspective behind the review.

The reviews you will find belong to my daughters, Emerson (12) and Hayden (11), my son Beckham (9), and dear old Dad (46). Our interests are diverse, ranging from sports and art to video games and even math. Don’t be shocked by the broad range of reviews you will find!

We’re always open to your suggestions on how we can improve and make the site more helpful for you. Feel free to send your questions and comments to info@totallyvaultworthy.com.
Here’s to making informed decisions and having a fantastic day!

Food Critic

Diam nulla blandit urna tristique sit etiam amet adipiscing.







Sem nibh tristique ut laoreet amet tortor eu urna, ante urna aliquam tellus suscipit turpis turpis volutpat sed malesuada cras amet, donec eget molestie ipsum semper nunc aenean sagittis consequat.

Dianna Adams

Dianna Adam's Family

Est, cras aliquet nunc, habitant velit ac, et sit tincidunt amet mi nulla pellentesque dignissim mattis tempor.

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